Global Mystery Guest in High School Spanish

On Wednesday, Nov 15, Spanish 3 and 4 Honors  students participated in a “Global Mystery Guest” activity to collaboratively guess the home country of a native Spanish speaker, and learn about their culture, along with sharing information about Kaua’i.  This activity gives the students the chance to interact with a variety of native speakers and provide in-the-moment communication opportunities. 

Valentina, Darnes, and Germán spoke to the students entirely in Spanish as they crafted questions to guess their home countries.  Valentina gave away her country of Argentina after a student asked about the most famous sports and players from their country.  Lionel Messi was a quick hint that she was from Argentina.  Darnes was not such an easy guess, as the students had to think of an island country with a major export of tobacco.  Cuba!  And Germán had the class stumped for almost 20 minutes until someone asked about famous singers/musicians.  As soon as he said, “Shakira,” the whole class knew it was Colombia. Guest speakers also shared their favorite foods, pastimes, tourist attractions, facts about everyday life and cultural celebrations. 

The Happy World Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 organization that promotes global citizenship education, citizen-to-citizen diplomacy and cross-cultural understanding in schools and communities worldwide.  Akash Patel, Founder, has gathered  over 1,000 volunteers from over 150 countries to join his Global Connect database at the Happy World Foundation ( ), a Texas based global education nonprofit he founded after the passing of his twin brother Anand Happy Patel.  Island School Spanish teachers Iska Nardie-Warner and Paula Abbott met Akash Patel when he was the Keynote Speaker at the Southwest Conference on the Teaching of Languages In 2021.