Island School is a college-preparatory institution
All sophomores and juniors take the Preliminary SAT. Juniors and seniors take one semester of college counseling in each of their junior and senior years.
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Junior Counseling is About Preparation
Students in their Junior year will work with our College Counselor to attend college fairs, take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT) and prepare to take the SAT, make initial inquiries and send away for college catalogues, and relate grades and interests to various schools and possible career choices.
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Senior Counseling Focuses on the Application Process
Seniors receive individual college planning from our College Counselor, which highlights their strengths and interests through one-on-one personal and family conferences throughout the school year. In the process of choosing and applying for a college or university, students consider a number of factors with their college counselor, including location, size, academic challenge, extracurricular opportunities, special services, types of students attending, and costs related to any financial aid which may be provided.
The SAT and the ACT are given several times a year on our campus, and are available to students from seventh through 12th grade.
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Beyond Island School
Island School graduates have been accepted at more than 120 different institutions across the country, from the East Coast to the West and in Hawaii. These institutions include U.C. Santa Barbara, U.C. Berkeley, The New School in New York City, Whitman College, Pepperdine University, University of Notre Dame, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Clark University, Vanderbilt University, Cornell University, Bates College, UCLA, and more.
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