State Science Olympiad Results

Island School Middle School Voyagers participated in the Hawaii State Science Olympiad this past weekend, against Iolani, Higlands, Punahou and Hilo. Island School Voyagers placed 4th in the State! See below for individual results:
Air Trajectory-3rd Sol Herrera and Mya Freitas
Can’t Judge a Powder-3rd Tanner Miller and Sofi Lewis
Disease Detectives- 3rd Tzuf Ruck and Dylan Leitenberg 
Fast Facts-3rd Sofi Lewis and Sean Lottermoser
Microbe Mission-3rd Sean Lottermoser and Dylan Leitenberg
Reach for the stars- 3rd Tanner Miller and Sol Herrera
Rollercoaster-3rd Oliver Templeman and Andrew Robinson
Thank you to our dedicated coaches, Laura Lee and Joe Corbo, as well as our Middle School parents for their support!