Senior Capstone Success

Our seniors had a big week this week! Senior Capstone Presentations were a great success on Tuesday. These presentations, which are a long-standing tradition at Island School as well as a graduation requirement, were a culmination of their year-long efforts of searching, questioning, researching/investigating, thinking and re-thinking, interviewing, writing, viewing, and self-evaluating. Research based presentations included topics on Kauaʻi's housing crisis, nuclear medicine's impact on cancer research, the green revolution, and the efficiency of animal testing in medical treatments. Project based presentations included creating a go-kart, making a ʻukulele, writing and directing a short film, and dressmaking. 

This year, the base for our presentation preparation curriculum was offered in partnership with TED Talks in Education.  Sessions were recorded for potential submission to the TED-Ed Student Talks program!