Voyagers present research papers on O'ahu!

Lily Glick '26, Ashley Chun '25 and Ms. Lee traveled to Oʻahu last weekend to present at the Hawaii Academy of Science Junior Science & Humanities Symposium at the John A Burns School of Medicine. Lily presented her research paper, "Comparing different percentages of two coagulants for effectiveness" to 11 participants and 3 judges. Ashley Chun presented her research paper, "Using Organic Mats for Oil Spills" to 6 judges, and was selected as one of 12 semi-finalists amongst 80 other participants. This event was very competitive with students from all Hawaiian islands and American Samoa. The symposium allows students to share their original ideas amongst their peers and judges and to promote research in the STEM fields supporting the Science Fair. Ashley and Lily received informative feedback so that they can improve their project for the upcoming Regionals Science Fair held on February 8th.